1. Photos are an absolute MUST! Since the creation of the internet, for Las Olas (LOMT), model composites have become obsolete, however; we can't book you without good digital pictures. A client will contact our office and tell us what talent they need. The client will give specific details such as male or female, child or teen etc. We then go through our data base and send digital pictures, to the client, that fit their description. You can't compete if your digital photos aren't as good as your competition.
2. Photos can be taken by any photographer. For beginners, we suggest you do your research. Check the photographers website for their portfolio and ask specific questions before you start. How much will it cost for a session and how many looks does that include? Do I get a digital file of all the photos? Often talent will submit photos taken by parents or friends that work great!
3. Email your photos to Neal@lasolasmodels.com. Don't forget to include a phone number with your email. LOMT will respond by email to your submission. If you don't hear from the agency, it may be that your pictures aren't what LOMT is looking for or LOMT may already have too many people in your category. It definitely doesn't mean you can't work and you may do exceptionally well with another agency.
4. Before you submit to any agency, in the State of Florida, check the state website to make sure the Talent or Modeling agency is licensed. www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr. Every agency listed on the State of Florida's website is licensed and bonded. Also, remember there is never a fee in the State of Florida to be listed with any agency. The only time an agency gets paid is when they get you work and then the agency will get a percentage.
5. Las Olas Models & Talent, Inc. has been in business since 1995 always with the original owners. LOMT is considered a lifestyle agency. Models and Talent come to LOMT with their photos completed and NO model has ever paid a fee to be placed on the LOMT website. There are NO costs involved in getting listed with Las Olas.
If you have any questions, feel fee to email Las Olas Models & Talent, Inc at Neal@lasolasmodels.com.
Thank you!